Migrated Blog. New Site. Hello Hugo.
👋 ’ello!
Welcome to my new blog.
I finally have an adrieltan.com site that I’ve updated! My previous internet space was a pure HTML/JS/CSS site that I don’t remember how I deployed 2 years ago and an occasional blog post over on medium. Nevertheless, I’ve finally decided to redo it and combine it into a single pane.
What will I post here?
Following on what I posted on Medium, the posts about consumer tech will continue. However, I plan on discussing more, such as technical topics as well as more personal things.
Yep, personal things – slices of life or things closer to my heart.
I’m hesitant to post on a place where everything lives forever. I’m a private person, most of my friends can attest to that. But, I do want my personality online to be more than just “tech obsessed”. And I do (try to) have a life, and sometimes it’s nice to document that somewhere that does “live forever”.
Obviously, not everything will be posted, just those things I’m comfortable sharing 😄
Now, back to tech: Why did I go with Hugo?
For this blog, I’ve decided to give Hugo a shot for a few reasons:
1. Lots of beautiful templates to base off.
Downloading and adapting a template was easy to do with Hugo. As you can see, I’ve just downloaded the Hugo Blog Awesome template and easily modified a smol thing (slightly bigger image) to my liking.
I like this template as it allows me to use adrieltan.com like a social card, while still giving people access to my blog.
2. GoLang / Template based
I love GoLang and I wanted to try a web based templating framework with it. I wanted to see all the positives and the disadvantages of such a design – where it makes sense and where it doesn’t.
With that, I’ll try extending it as well with some snippets! The last time I tried template based frameworks was with Django a long while back, and while Django is great in it’s own way, I didn’t want something that was server based. Which brings me to point 3…
3. Static Site Generation
I don’t want to maintain and patch servers for vuln updates for something that doesn’t really update much, thus I love the idea of a static generator that just spits out HTML. Less exposure to potential zero-days makes me very happy!
That being said, I’m still trying to get the hang of Hugo.
I tried implementing some stuff and got a bit lost in the sauce, meaning it’s time to go through a bit of tutorial hell and try implementing some stuff :)
I’ve already got a Udemy course lined up for this, hopefully time allows me to work on it more :)
I’m also keen to explore Astro for my future recipe site… but we’ll get there when we get there!
Meanwhile, check out my about me page lol.
Oh and here’s a photo of me in JB eating a delicious egg tart. It was my first solo trip abroad and it was so good.
Till next time –